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Have a look at some candles you've burned recently. Can you spot any of these tell-tale signs...?

  1. 'Tunnelling' (the wax doesn't melt evenly)
  2. The wick keeps getting buried
  3. It burns more on one side than the other
  4. Sooty marks on the container
  5. Fragrance isn't diffusing as you'd hoped

Most people can comfortably admit to not having given much thought to 'candle care'. You just light it... right?

Well, that can lead to all sorts of candle conundrums. If you've ever uttered profanities while desperately digging in the wax with an old nailfile to retrieve a wick—or given up on a candle completely, letting it collect dust on a shelf because it's underperformed—the good news is: if you just spend a little bit of time caring for your candle and it's got the Coreless Cleanburn logo, there's no reason you shouldn't get the very best from it!

Candle care tips

1. Trim Your Wick

Before lighting, carefully trim the wick to 10mm; removing wick debris encourages an even burn with a steady flame and limits unsightly sooty marks and 'mushrooming' of the wick.
We recommend trimming the wick every four hours of burn time. When wick-trimming, extinguish the flame and let the candle come to room temperature.

2. Stay Centered.

Sometimes the wick can need a little help staying centred (don't we all? : -)
After extinguishing the flame, allow the wax to cool for a couple of minutes, then gently ease the wick back into a central, upright position.
Maintaining the wick makes sure your candle will burn more evenly, lessening the likelihood of you having to begin an excavation the next time you burn.

3. Timing is Everything

A simple rule of thumb is candles should be burned for one hour for every inch in their diameter, but no longer than four hours at a time.
If you burn a candle for longer than four hours, carbon collects on the wick and 'mushrooms' - this makes the wick unstable, liable to droop in the wax and get buried, and your candle could smoke.
It shouldn't take more than 30 minutes for a wax pool to reach the sides of the container. If you don't burn it long enough, the wax isn't molten to the very edges of your container, and the unmelted remaining wax can form a ring, leading to the dreaded 'tunnelling'.
Wax has a 'memory' - if a 'tunnel' forms, it will burn incorrectly ever after, wasting wax and ruining the full burn time your candle promised.

4. Stay Out Of the Wind

Candles might look lovely while flickering (and inspired Elton John's famous song!) but for safety's sake AND for a proper burn, if placed in a draught, the flame could touch and damage the container or surrounding items.
If placed in a draughty area, the wax only melts on one side, and the flame becomes really small (or blows out altogether).

5. Know When to Say Goodbye

Never let your candle burn all the way down; this can damage the container and, in some circumstances, lead to the base splitting or cracking. Once it's about 1cm from the base or holder, it's time for farewells.
Never ever leave a candle unattended, especially when you have pets or kids.


You don't have to tell us; instead of a long list of do's and don'ts with pictograms, etc. why not just say... USE COMMON SENSE! Well, here's the super-short version...

  1. Never leave a candle unattended, especially when you've got children or pets in the house.
  2. Never burn in the giftbox.
  3. Never move the burning candle.
  4. Never let the wick touch the side of the vessel.
  5. Never use on a heat-sensitive surface.
  6. Never use near-flammable materials.
  7. Never use it for more than 4 hours at a time.
  8. Never, when burning your candle, let the wax get below 1 cm from the bottom. This can cause the vessel to overheat and break.


  1. Trim the wick to 10 mm.
  2. Ensure the wick is central.
  3. Extinguish using a snuffer.
  4. Burn in a draft-free area.
  5. Take care not to damage the wick.
  6. Burn in a well-ventilated room.
  7. Leave at least 10 cm between candles.
  8. Keep it out of reach of children and pets.